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New video up! Daniel Smith Watercolor Review

I am in love with this watercolors so I thought I would share a review with you as requested! This is not a sponsored video I paid for these paints on my own and bought them from amazon myself. Last I checked amazon had the best price so I linked it up above. The palette I'm using in this video is a Daiso palette that I used for my cheap art supplies challenge. I hope this video was helpful to anyone looking to get these paints, if it was let me know by leaving a thumbs up or a comment down below and don't forget to subscribe! EDIT; In the video I forgot to mention that the glitter effect I am reffering to in the Amethyst genuine paint is from the cystals themselves. I know this I just recorded the voice over so many many times I ran out of time to go into it deeper and thought "glitter" would suffice for others to understand also I state in the video that this is a granulating set which is wrong. while it does have mostly granulating colors it is not a granulating set but I was under the impression it was and bought it because I thought that was the theme of this set and 5 out of 6 of the colors do infact granulate so it does still work out for my needs just do take note I was wrong in saying the set was granulating

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